Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Fattening and meat qualities of pigs at use of fir extract Verva

Pages: 56-60.

Shemuranova N.A., post-graduate student,
Filatov A.V., DSc in veterinary, professor,
Sapozhnikov A.F., PhD in veterinary, associate professor

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia


For the various livestock industries it is interesting to use as feed additive drugs, elaborated on the basis of waste wood processing industry as the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly raw materials. A large number of biologically active compounds, as well as microelements and macroelements contains in the green wood of coniferous species. It was established that preparations based on these raw materials have a broad spectrum of action. The article reflects the data on the use of supplement Verva to increase the effectiveness of fattening and improve meat quality of pigs. Studies were conducted on the basis of industrial pig-breeding complex of «Zarechie» (Kirov, Kirov region) at 96 hybrid pigs breed Large White × Landrace at the age of 90 days. Animals of the experimental group on the first day of the fattening period and for 30 days in addition to the basic ration received  fir extract Verva at a dose of 1 ml per head per day. It was found that the use of liquid feed supplement Verva in a given dose provides to increase the daily average gain of 23.22% in the animals, absolute growth - by 23.32%, reduced on 17 days of age for achieving a live weight of 100 kg. It also found that under the influence of additive slaughter pigs live weight increases by 12.93%, mass of steamy mascara and slaughter weight increased by 12.86% and 17.18%, respectively. At the same time there is an increase in the slaughter yield of 2.63%, and the slaughter weight of the carcass and its length is increased by 20.05% and 12.89% respectively. According to the data of the experiment it was found that the inclusion of Verva fir extract at a dose of 1 ml per head per day in pigs nutrition for the first 30 days of fattening period has a positive impact on meat quality and the effectiveness of the fattening animals.

Keywords: pig, fattening of quality, meat quality, biologically active additives, fir extract, Verva


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