Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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New potato variety Virazh with resistance to golden potato nematode

Pages: 15-18.

Serqeeva Z. F., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Sintsova N. F., PhD in agriculture, senior researcher,
Merkusheva M. Yu., associate researcher,
Lyskova I.V., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory

Falenki Plant-Breeding Station, Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Characteristics of mid-early potato variety Virazh (Gloriya x 282-97) which combines high productivity (up to 39.6 t/ha) with resistance to viruses, common pathotype of cancer, golden potato nematode, common scab is presented in the article. It has a middle degree of resistance to late blight. A variety is of table appointment. A peel of tubers is white colour, pulp is light yellow, not darkening in a crude kind and at cooking, flowers it is red the violet. A bush is sprawling leafy type with large leaves; flowers are red-violet. Tubers of a new potato variety are suitable for processing on potato products: they have the oval form and superficial eyelets. The dry matter content is 20.2…27.9 %, protein - up to 2.4%, the average content of starch 12.4…16.2%. Taste qualities are 3.4…4.3 points; pulp of cooked tuber is light yellow fluffy. By results of competitive testing on experimental fields of Falenki Plant-Breeding Station in Kirovskoy area the variety Virazh exceeded the standard Nevsky on yield by 4.5 t/ha on average, variety Golubka by 2.1 t/ha. Under test digging at 60-th day after planing productivity of the new variety (10.6 t/ha) was higher then of the standard Nevsky and Golubka by 0.8 and 1.1 t/ha. The high yield is provided with the number tubers in the bush. A variety forms from 9 till 13 tubers per bush with average weight of the tuber 78…109 g. In 2015 variety Virazh is passed to the State variety trial.

Keywords: potato, variety, productivity, disease resistance, dry matter content


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