Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Perfecting of a construction of the unit for pre-sowing soil cultivation and sowing APPN-2,1

Pages: 70-74.

Demshin S.L., PhD in engineering, head of laboratory,
Cheremisinov D.A., PhD in engineering, researcher,
Vladimirov E.A., PhD in engineering, head of laboratory

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


One of directions of modernising of agricultural machinery for plant growing is combination of operations on the basis of the multipurpose assemblies, capable to be adapted for varying conditions of production of agricultural products by sweeping change of tools. Assembly APPN-2.1 is developed for realization the perspective technology of soil cultivation and sowing. Results of its trials displayed that its use allows to lower considerably power, resource and labour expenditures at higher productivity of cultivated crops, but also determined a row of deficiencies of its construction. There are limiting mass of the assembly and unstable stability of a rotational speed of distributors of seeds at aggregated with tractors of a class 14 кN. For lowering of mass of assembly APPN-2.1 it is offered to install cultivator tine with a diminished width of cut in one row, between disks of a power-driven rotor on minimum distance from the shaft of a power-driven rotor. It allowed to lower mass of the assembly on 90 kg and to diminish its length by 350 mm that considerably raised stability in pitch of the machine-tractor assembly. Installation of basic bearing ribs on a power-driven rotor of the assembly ensured fixed depth of its plunging in soil. It stabilized a rotational speed of distributors of seeds at the expense of lowering of a slippage variation of a power-driven rotor at change of driving speed or physical properties of soil. The agrotechnical assessment of works of the machine-tractor assembly as a part of tractor МТZ-82 and assembly APPN-2.1 displayed that the changes in a machine design did not entail any decline in the capacity of soil cultivation and sowing. Assembly APPN-2.1 with observance of agrotechnical demands resistantly executes a process of pre-sowing cultivation of soil and sowing, stands a working width of cut and adjusting depth of tillage.

Keywords: pre-sowing soil cultivation, sowing, unit for cultivation and sowing, rotational working elements, cultivator tine, shoe opener, plain packer, indicators of quality of soil processing and sowing


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