Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Productivity and water use of flax at different moisturing of drained soil

Pages: 32-37.

Zinkovskaya T.S., PhD in agriculture, leading researcher,
Kovalev N.G., academician, DCs in engineering, scientific adviser,
Zinkovskiy V.N., PhD in agriculture, head of the laboratory

All Russian Research Institute for Ameliorated Lands, Tver, Russia


The article presents the results of research related with the study of productivity, water consumption and feasibility of irrigation in flax at different levels of fertility and moisture regimes of drained soil. The experiment was conducted on three backgrounds of agrochemical fertility: 1) control (no fertilizer). 2. The aftereffect of multi-purpose compost (KMN). 3. KMN + NPK (NPK - from 2011 till 2013 in the calculation on the planned crop under the previous culture). Fiber flax is need in irrigation during a dry period of growth to obtain a sufficiently high yield of straw and seeds. Watering with norm of 150 m3 / ha after sowing increased the number of surviving plants till harvesting by 30-35%.  Carrying of 3-4 irrigation during growth season increased the straw flax yield from 22.7 to 40.4%, the seeds yield - from 10.5 to 53.2%.  In the variant KMN + NPK increments of straw and seeds yields at the expense of irrigation reached 40.4 and 53.2% respectively. Payback additional cost amounted to 2.00 rubles / rubles. In the variant with aftereffect of KMN during the fourth year after the inputting of 15 t / ha under irrigation increase in straw flax yield amounted to almost 30%, seed - 26.7%. Payback costs of obtaining of increases yield was 1.43 rubles per each ruble of costs incurred.  The total water consumption of flax without irrigation was about 2000 m3 / ha, at irrigation - more than 4000 m3 / ha.  At the growth of flax productivity on the more fertile backgrounds coefficient of water use (Kv) decreases by 29% (non-irrigation) and 40% (for irrigation).

Keywords: fiber flax, dry season, soil moisture, drainage, irrigation, productivity, efficiency


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