Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Therapeutic efficacy of ozonated emulsion in acute endometritis in cows-heifers

Pages: 43-49.

Nikolaev S.V., postgraduate student

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia


Modern state of dairy cattle breeding is characterized by the growth of milk productivity of cows and increase the incidence of obstetric pathology. The heifer cows with acute endometritis in the contents of the uterus microorganisms are present in the form of monocultures (Proteus vulgaris, Escherichia сoli, Pseudomonas аeruginosa, Еnterobacter faecalis, Staphylococcus аureus, Proteus mirabilis) (75,7%) or in Association (E. сoli + Candida albus, E. coli + Penicillium) (8%). Emulsion consisting of genedicine, fish oil and TWIN 80, subjected to bubbling ozone-oxygen mixture, has antibacterial properties against hemolytic  Escherichia сoli и Staphylococcus аureus. The introduction into the uterine cavity of ozonized emulsion for sick cows postpartum acute endometritis by 35.2% increases therapeutic efficacy, 0.9 times reduces the number of intra-uterine injections, kt 182.8 ml saves the amount of therapeutic agent that has a positive effect on the reproductive system, at 25.8 days reduces the period of existence of the first stage of excitation of sexual cycle after calving and with 82.2 days period from the birth to subsequent pregnancy, reduces the insemination index of cows on average to 1.3. The recovery of the cows is accompanied by a reduction in blood AST activity and ALT, increased levels of total protein and activity of the synthesis of γ – globulin. Indicators of alkaline phosphatase and dynamics of calcium and phosphorus showed the stabilization of mineral metabolism.

Keywords: cows-heifers, endometritis, ozonated emulsion


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