Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of Prolam probiotic on parameters of natural resistance and metabolic status of newborn calves

Pages: 53-57.

Korableva T.P., DSc in veterinary, professor, head of cathedra,
Senchuk I.V., PhD in veterinary, associated professor

Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol', Russia


Results of test of probiotic preparation Prolam's influence on safety of newborn calves, parameters of non-specifity resistance, and parameters of nitrogen metabolism and activity of transaminases are presented in the article. It is established that input of 20 ml of preparation during 10 days strongly prevented development of hard form of diarrhea syndrome obtaining 100% safety. Using of low doses of preparation (5 ml during 10 days) doae not supply sufficient degree of profilaxy and leads to forced slaughter of 20% of calves in experimental group. In control group safety of calves was 60%. At the end of experiment level of urea content in calves supplying with 20 ml of probiotic had significantly lower values in compare with control group (Р < 0.05) – 4.82±0.20 and 5.40±0.16 mmol/l accordingly. In group supplying with 5 ml of probiotic there were not significant intergroup differences on this parameter. Control calves had significantly higher values of transaminases (АsАТ and АlАТ) activity than in experimental groups because of intoxication with disbacteriosis. It is expecially manifested at use of 20 ml of preparation. Beside that the given scheme of Prolame using had pronounced influence on parameters of functional activity of neutrofiles. Thus reservoirces of neutrofiles at 10 day of experiment exceed the control parameter by 1.55 times (P < 0.05) and phagocytic number – by 2.25 times (P < 0.05). So, using of prebiotic preparation Prolam for newborn calves at 20 ml during 10 days prevents development of diarrhea syndrome and increases non-specific resistance of organism.


Keywords: probiotic, newborn calves, NST-test, urea, АsАТ, АlАТ, safety diarrhea syndrome


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