Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Adaptive technology of sweet sorghum (Sorghum Moench.) cultivation in the Republic of Mordovia

Pages: 36-41.

Artemyev A.А., PhD in agriculture, associate professor, deputy director,
Tarakin I.Р., PhD in agriculture, associate professor, researcher

MordoviaAgricultural Research Institute, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia


For the conditions of the Republic of Mordovia adaptive technology of cultivation of sweet sorghum is developed which is based on resource-saving techniques to ensure the creation of high-productive agro-cenoses. The best preceding crop for sorghum are wetch-oat mixture and peas. After harvesting they should be plowed to a 20-22 cm depth with a preliminary shallow plowing. This method provides the lowest water consumption (7.6-8.3 mm) to create a 1 ton of green mass and increases sweet sorghum yield by 18-28 % in comparison with surface processing and disking. The best term of sowing for green mass is the end of the third decade of May (soil temperature 15-16 °C at a depth of seeding). At the same time, the maximum seed yield (3.25 t/ha) is achieved at an early stage of sowing and warming of seed layer up to 12 °C. Sweet sorghum is advisable to sow at seed rate of 0.6-0.8 million viable seeds per 1 ha, while there is an optimal ratio between the height (171-176.3 cm) and plant productivity (36.4-40.2 t/ha ). The best conditions for plant growth and development are at sowing seeds with 45 and 15 cm distance between rows. The main criterion for evaluating the seed depth is field germination; the optimal value of it (78.0%) is observed during the germination of seeds from 4-5 cm depth. Harvesting of sorghum should be started during the shooting and flowering stages that increases the exchange energy content of the fodder up to 9.82-10.42 MDj/kg of dry matter in comparison with other phases of development.

Keywords: sweet sorghum, productivity, technology of cultivation, predecessors, tillage, timing, methods and depth of sowing, seeding rate, harvest time


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