Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Possibilities of immunomodulation for increasing resistance of calves to BLV-infection

Pages: 47-51.

Smirnov Yu.P., DSc in Veterinary, chief researcher,
Suvorova I.L., chief biochemist

Scientific and Research Veterinary Institute of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The article summarizes data on the effect of biologically active substances with immunoprotective properties on immune indices and nonspecific immunity as well possibilities of their use to protect young cattle from infection with the bovine leukemia virus (BLV). It has been established that combined use of ronkoleukin, anandin, ribotan and phosprenil according to the developed pattern had a positive impact on immunobiological indicators that resulted in a significant increase in the level of serum total protein, albumins, γ-globulins, immunoglobulins of classes G, M, A, bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, decrease of substances of low and medium molecular weight (LMMW) and circulating immune complexes (CICs). When ronleukin applying to seronegative heifers in a dose of 3000 IU/kg body weight dissolved in 5 ml of 0.9% saline solution intramuscularly once a month for 6 months we identified 10% BLV-infected animals with a titer of antibodies to BLV-antigens 1:2 which was 20% lower than control group of heifers analogues, where at the end of the experiments we identified 30% of infected animals with a titers of antibodies to BLV-antigens 1: 8. When ronleukin applying to seronegative heifers in a dose of 1000 IU / kg of body weight dissolved in 5 ml of 0.9% saline solution, anandin in a dose of 10 ml / head intramuscularly, phosprenil in a dose of 5 ml / head, ribotan in a dose of 2 ml / head subcutaneously once a month for 6 months at the end of the experiments we did not reveal BLV- infected animals. Thus, it has been shown that the combined use of ronleukin, anandin, ribotan and phosprenyl to six-month-old heifers according to the developed pattern provides normalization of immunobiological indices and promotes an increase in their resistance to BLV- infection.

Keywords: leukemia, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), serological, hematological, immunobiological indices, immunomodulators, immunoprophylaxis


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