Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Dynamics of some criteria of soil fertility in a non-balanced agriculture

Pages: 53-59.

Mitrofanov Yu.I., PhD in agriculture, head of department

All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Land, Tver, Emmaus, Russia


The article presents the results of long-term observations of the changes in agrochemical properties of soils under different conditions of use. The studies and phase analysis showed that the replacement of intensive forms of agriculture in the indiscriminate use of the limited use of fertilizers leads to a change of trend in the dynamics of agrochemical properties of soils from positive to negative. In the absence of liming the most negative change in agrochemical properties associated with acidity of soil. And arable land, and fallow soil changes in the acidity of the soil are unidirectional. The dynamics of these changes are associated with the washing water regime and significant removal of calcium and magnesium with drainage runoff on drained lands. Drainage, in the absence of supporting liming may be the cause of the accelerated of the agrochemical degradation drained soil. In the transition drained land in fallow land degradation process of acid-base properties of soils at the working drainage does not stop. In the analysis of temporal changes in soil exchangeable potassium and available phosphorus content should take into account structural changes in cultivated area crops. Compare advisable to conduct than in single years, and for a group of years to eliminate the influence of weather factors on the objectivity of the conclusions of the dynamics of soil fertility. In the experiments the difference in exchangeable potassium content in the topsoil between wet and dry years was 26-69mg / kg, the content of available phosphorus - 29-73mg / kg. In rotation the lowest potassium content observed after perennial grasses and potatoes, the highest after winter rye and oats, available phosphorus was greater after perennial grasses and potatoes. The nature of the influence of perennial grasses on the content of exchangeable potassium and soil available phosphorus, to a large extent, can be explained by the effect of draining the soil under them in the summer.

Keywords: drained soil, fertilizers, agrochemical properties, acidity, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, productivity


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