Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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ВEffect of technological methods on the formation of seed productivity of a Lotus corniculatus in the Udmurt Republic

Pages: 15-20.

Nelyubina Zh.S., PhD in agriculture, leading researcher,
Kasatkina N.I., PhD in agriculture, leading researcher

The Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture, Pervomayskiу, Udmurt Republiс, Russia


Lotus corniculatus – valuable bean fodder crop, the main advantages of which are its long life, high resistance to trampling, nutritional value, the ability to grow on acidic soils. However, the spread of a lotus on the territory of the Udmurt Republic is restrained due to the complexity of its seed production, which is due to the biological characteristics of this culture (weak resistance to shading, high pod shatter, small seeds). Researches to identify the best cover crop, method of sowing and seeding rates were conducted in Udmurt Agricultural Research Institute in 2010-2015 in order to develop technology of cultivation of a Lotus corniculatus for seeds. On average for three years use the seed production of a Lotus corniculatus was 144-373 kg / ha. The level of variation of seeds productivity a lotus an average by experience in the years of accounting was high (V = 58%). A significant increase the gathering of seeds was obtained at sowing a lotus without cover and under the cover of winter wheat, ordinary row seeding way, with a seeding rate of 8-9 mln. seeds / ha. Formation of a high seed yields in distinguished variants occurred due to a larger number of stems to harvest (497-545 pcs. / m2), little beans on 1 stalk (10.0-12.3 pcs.), seeds in 1 little bean (13.3-14.1 pcs.). On average during the years of studies laboratory germination of the obtained seeds was 64-70%, content of solid seeds - 30-36%, mass of 1000 seeds was in the range 1.04-1.13 g.

Keywords: Lotus corniculatus, cover crop, method of sowing, seeding rate, yield of seed, structure, seed quality


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