Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Effects of oil pollution on microbial communities peat soil middle Preduralie

Pages: 47-53.

Lednev A.V., doctor of agricultural sciences, deputy director,
Udmurt Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Pervomaysk, Udmurtia
Skvortsova I.A., a post graduate student,
Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Udmurtia, Izhevsk


The oil industry is one of the most environmentally potentially dangerous sectors of the economy, as at all stages of the oil periodically arise emergency situations in which pollution occurs environment. The aim of our research - to study the effect of oil pollution on the number of microorganisms in peat soils of the Udmurt Republic, typifies the conditions of the Middle Urals. Research carried out in microfield experience. Soil - drained alluvial silt-humus-peat moderately. In an experiment to study the effect of different petroleum contamination levels (from 0 to 300 g / kg of peat) to change the size of the main groups of microorganisms: actinomycetes, microscopic fungi, bacteria ammonifitsiruyuischh and cellulose. It was found that the weak degree of oil pollution (5-20 g / kg of peat) stimulated the development of all investigated groups of microorganisms. A further increase in the level of pollution led to a decrease in their numbers. The most noticeable reduction of the indicator organisms for all groups was observed when the level of oil pollution peat of 50 g / kg. The most susceptible to pollutants studied were ammonifiers and cellulose-decomposing bacteria, the number of which oil at a dose of 50 g / kg, even after 15 months from the start of the experiment was not restored to their numbers in the control variant. The most stable proved to be a complex microscopic fungi, which number over 15 months of the experiment was restored (or exceed) to their numbers in control at all studied levels of pollution. Thus, the microbial community of peat soils of the Middle Urals has a sufficiently high potential for self-healing with oil concentration of less than 50 g / kg of peat. Higher levels of contamination require remediation activities. In developing the activities for reclamation of peat soils it should focus on the size and activity of microbial bacteria, in particular ammonifiers and cellulose.

Keywords: oil pollution, peat soils, microorganisms, actinomycetes, microscopic fungi, bacteria ammonifiers, cellulose-decomposing bacteria


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