Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of chelate microfertilizers (microfit) application on the yield of early ripening group potato varieties on background of high doses of mineral fertilizers

Pages: 40-47.

Kuznetsov D.A., head of laboratory, graduate student,
Prokina L.N., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Ibragimova G.N., researcher,
Kalinina A.D., researcher

Mordovian research Institute of agriculture, Saransk, Republic of Mordoviya, Russia


The effect of different doses of mineral fertilizers and chelated micronutrient fertilizers Mikrovit on varieties of Udacha and Snegir’ was studied in technology of potato cultivation of early ripening group. The study was carried out in 2012-2014 in the leached medium loamy Chernozem. Monitoring the phenology of potato varieties for early maturity group showed that the duration of interphase periods of growth and development of plants in the first half of the growing season are not dependent on fertilization. In the period from the phase of budding prior to the death of foliage with increasing doses of mineral fertilizers the duration of the growing season has lengthened on average by grades 9-13 days. The average for study without the use of mineral fertilizers the harvest of potato tubers was 12.6 t/ha, the input of N90P90K90 - to 18.6 t/ha, N120P120K120 – 21.2 MT/ha. Variety of potato Udacha is more sensitive for fertilizing (the average increase in yield of tubers, 8.4 t/ha), Snegir’ - slightly lower (average increase of 6.2 t/ha). On average for experiment regardless of the variety, the marketability of potatoes amounted to 74-94%. It is established that processing of tubers micronutrients contributed to increase mortality by 5 %, spraying of vegetating plants on 4-15 %. Maximum potato yield, early maturity varieties of Udacha – 25.6 t/ha were formed with the integrated use of mineral fertilizers (N120P120K120) and preplant treatment of tubers chelate complex Microvit.

Keywords: potato, yield, variety, marketability, microfertilizer Microvit, mineral fertilizers


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