Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The solution to the problem of food security and agricultural development in the XXI century in European

Pages: 74-78.

Kormishkina L.A., DSc in economics, professor, chair of cathedra,
Semenova N.N., DSc in economics, assistant professor, chair of cathedra,
Kormishkin E.D., DSc in economics, Professor

National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation


In recent years the problem of food security is one of the most important global issues actively discussed by the world community. Increased attention to this issue is primarily due to a growing shortage of food. According to the International agricultural organisation (FAO), the number of hungry people on Earth currently is around 795 million, and that approximately one in ten people. In addition, a significant threat to global food security are of limited water resources, climate change, the growing influence of ecology on productivity, anthropogenic pollution, an increase in the production of transgenic crops etc. In this situation, the issues of ensuring global food security are key priorities of the common agricultural policy (cap) of the European Union. EAP in mno-GOM reflects the leading role of the EU in global food production and trade in agricultural products. Today, the EU accounts for 17% of world food exports; the European Union takes 2nd place as world exporter of dairy products and pork and 3rd place as an exporter of poultry and grain. The focus of modern agricultural policy of the EU is sustainable agricultural growth, food security and nutrition. The article considers the Russian practice and European experience in the field of food security. It is noted that there are both differences and similarities in the approaches of our country and the EU to address issues of food security. Like the EAC of the European Union, the national Doctrine of food security is complex and long-term, includes the key elements of the food and the foreign trade policy, state incentives and regulation of all complex of problems of food security.

Keywords: food security, Common Agricultural Policy, European Union


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