Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The yield and the quality of pea cultivars depending on weather conditions

Pages: 20-27.

Ponomareva S.V., senior researcher,
Selekhov V.V., senior researcher

Nizhegorodsky Research Institute of Agriculture, s. Selekcionnoy Stancii, Kstovo district, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia


Deficiency of vegetative protein in agricultural production can be overcome by grain legumes cultivation; in this way the pea culture is especially perspective. The main disadvantage of the latter in comparison with cereals is strong susceptibility to unfavorable factors of a season that limits its yield. In 2011-2015, investigations have been carried out on the base of the Nizhegorodsky Research Institute of Agriculture of how water regime affects yield and its quality of the pea cultivars bred in Russia and abroad. The Selaninov’s hydrothermic coefficient, the Shashko’s moisturization index, and the Protserov’s water supply coefficient were used to estimate water regime. Under the long-lasting water stress, pea plants decreased in their height (1.5-2 times), forming lower yield of vegetative mass and grain (3-3.5 times) with reduced protein content in seeds (by 2.6%). There was recommended the aggregate Protserov’s coefficient as an index of weather affecting pea plants. This index strongly correlates with yield of grain (r = 0.69…0.89), of green mass (r = 0.91…0.96) and also with plant height (r = 0.87…0.99); middle relationship was found between the aggregate Protserov’s coefficient and protein content in seeds. Differences were noticed in productivity of leafy and leafless morphotypes of pea: leafy cultivars gave greater yield both in common years (by 100 g/m2 and more) and under drought (by 20 g/m2), with shattering-type varieties being more high-yielding than nonshattering-type ones. Food leafy cultivars of pea were more productive in all the years of the investigation and perspective for cultivating in Non-blacksoil zone of Russia.

Keywords: common pea, pelyushka, leafy and leafless morphotypes, nonshattering seeds, yield, weather conditions, meteorological indexes


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