Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Breeding evaluation of sources of naked oats under conditions of Volga-Vyatka region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.57.2.04-11.

Pages: 4-11.

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Rusakova I.I.1, PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Batalova G.A.1, academician of RAS, deputy director, head of department,
Ren Changzhong2, foreighmember of RAS, president,
Vologzhanina E.N.1, PhD in agriculture,
Zhuykova O.A.1, PhD in agriculture,
Tulyakova M.V.3, head of laboratory

1North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, 2Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, 3Falenki Breeding Station of North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Falenki, Russia


Well-studied initial material is necessary for successful solving of breeding tasks. Complex evaluation of accessions under varying climatic conditions promotes to choice sources having economic-valuable traits for breeding. Sixty-one accessions of naked oats including 18 accessions from China were studied in Kirov in 2010…2016. The most interesting for breeding are accessions having increased yield capacity and productivity: drought resistant accession 1h07 (Russia); high grain quality accessions 15120Gosha (Belarus),15192 Mina (Bulgaria);accessions from China k-3897 BYAS-156, k-3893 BYAS-160, k-3894 BYAS-159, k-3895 BYAS-158, k-3899 BYAS-154. Sources are selected having high level of yield structure (number of grains per panicle, grain weight per panicle): 15063 Sibirski golozerny, 15115 Aldan (Russia), 15086 MF 8891-2021(USA), 14937 NO 58-2 (Canada). Recruit of accessions 624h09 m. s., 99 R-27-4 (Russia), and 14851 Numbut (Australia) are urgent for breeding to early maturity. Fifteen sources of high grain quality (increased 1000 grain weight and protein content) are selected including accessions15224 MF 9521-19, 15095 MF 9521-28, 15158 MF 9224-359, 15086 MF 8891-2021, 15094 MF 9521-247, 15162 MF 9521-214 (USA), к-2523 PZS-LIM-02 (China) which have others breeding-valuable traits (diseases resistance, low percentage of husked grains, increased oil content). They were recommended to use as paternal parent forms in crossing with high yielding adaptive varieties of local breeding. For breeding to decrease of husked grains percentage accessions k-3892 BYAS-161, k-3896 BYAS-157 (China) are of interest as they had 100% nakedness during all years of study.

Keywords: naked oats, accession, screening, yield capacity, productivity, grain quality, segregation of husked grains, earlinessy


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