Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of phytobiotic preparations «Provitol» and "Mix-Oil" on morphofunctional characteristics of pigs’ liver

Pages: 51-56.

Timkina P.S., post-graduate

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia


Materials of investigations on influence of phytobiotic preparations 'Provitol' and 'Mix-Oil' using as additional therapy at cure of non-specific gastroenteritis in weaner-piglets on structural-functional state of liver are presented in the article. The study was conducted on the base of farm 'Krasnoye znamya' Kumeny district of Kirov region on 60 animals of 45…60 day-old divided by four groups: 1-st group – clinically healthy animals; 2…4-th groups – animals having indications of non-specific gastroenteritis at background of standard cure (Amoxycillin intramusculary at a dose of 15 mg/kg, ones a day, for the 12 days). In 3-rd and 4-th groups preparations 'Provitol' and 'Mix-Oil' were used accordingly. Blood samples were taken for biochemical assay at three experimental stages (45…60, 85…100 and 180…210 day-old animals). At animals' slaughter stage samples of viscera, in particular liver, were also taken for histological and morphometric assay. It was established that on background of phytobiotic preparation parameters of piglets' blood in 3-rd and 4-th groups had positive dynamics to normalization (decrease in total bilirubin by 15%, ALT activity – by 59%, and ACT activity – by 32%) in compare with animals which had no take these preparations. Histological pattern of the organ also confirms positive influence of the preparations. Normalization coefficient for liver parenchyma is 11.48±0.03 relative units in 3-rd group and 8.30±0.02 relative units – in 4-th group. Amount of 2-nuclea hepatocytes in animal groups cured with phytobiotic preparations was higher in 3-rd group (13.3±0.1%). Morpho-functional indexes of liver confirm that the preparations had positive effect on under-wall alimentary gland of animals; promote normalization of lever parenchyma in piglets, regeneration of organ's structure, and so – optimization of its function.

Keywords: weaner-piglets, gastroenteritis, phytobiotic preparations, liver


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