Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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New spring barley variety Forsazh

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.57.2.11-17.

Pages: 11-17.

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Shchennikova I.N.1, DSc in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Sheshegova T.K.1,2, DSc in biology, head of laboratory

1North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, 2North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia


Results of perennial breeding activity on creation of high-yield early variety Forsazh is presented in the article. Choice of parental components of crossing is based. Maternal variety Dina – early high-yielding resistant to complex of diseases, having high fodder value (protein content up to 19.8%) was created by hybridization followed with multiple individual selections from hybrid population Dzoz-502 (Ethiopia) x Domen (Norwey). Paternal variety was line 855-91. Its high productivity and good quality of grain is conditioned by existing in its genealogy such varieties as Hiproly (USA) - donor of high content of protein and lysine in grain, and Viner (Russia) created by individual selection from local barley of former Vyatka province and had is characteristic as high plastic, tolerant to high soil acidity, to spring drought and high temperatures during grain ripening. Crossing varieties Dina and 855-91 was directed to creation of genotype adaptive to stress conditions of the region, combining high productivity and earliness. As a result, new spring barley variety Forsazh was created and passed to State test. The variety forms productivity up to 5.71 t/ha exceeds standard variety by 0.21...1.43 t/ha. Forsazh has the same earliness as Dina. It has large-size grain having good technological properties: 1000 grain mass is 44…51 g, test weight – 697 g/l, huskiness – 7.9%, content of protein in grain – 11.1%, extractivity – 77.7%. Under natural field condition, the variety has low defeat with dust smut (up to 1.0%). At artificial contamination& the variety was sensitive to this disease. Forsazh is characterized with moderate resistance to root rot in the beginning of ontogenesis and high resistance to spot blotch both in the beginning and in the end of growth season.

Keywords: barley, variety, earliness, productivity, grain quality, diseases resistance


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