Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Resistance of pea varieties to aschochyta blight in varying environmental conditions

Pages: 17-22.

Gradoboeva T.P., PhD in biology, associate professor, head of laboratory

Falenki breeding station, s. Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Results of estimation of resistance level and adaptive potential of pea varieties against aschochyta blight in infectious background under varying weather conditions for 2013-2016 (HTC from 0.70 up to 1.61). Two hundred and eighty two varieties of pea of domestic and foreign breeding were analysed. During investigation period 11.8% of varieties had resistance to black-spot aschochytosis estimated by beans, and 5.0% - to light-spot one. Resistance of beans and high resistance of seeds to light-spot aschochytosis (Е-182, Д-23417, and Е-3767) and dark-spot aschochytosis (Verkholuzskaya, Е-413, Е-3588, Е-3923, and Е-3598) was revealed. This trait was more stable in varieties Stabil (V = 14.9%), Е-3923 (V = 25.1%), D-23417 (V = 44.1%), and Е-3767 (V = 45.1%). These varieties may be used in breeding as sources of resistance to disease. Most part of varieties selected by resistance to aschochytosis belongs to intensive type varieties (bi>1). Varieties Ryabchik, Е-246, Valleg Fanndation, and D-23417 weakly react to change of environmental factors (bi<1). In conditions of artificial epiphytoty field pea varieties Е-3598, Е-3767, and D-22596 as well as varieties of garden pea Е-3542, Е-3541, and Е-495 significantly exceed varieties Ryabchik and Krasnoufimsky on yield capacity. Higher stability of the trait in marked in varieties Е-3767 (PUSS = 359.3), Е-3598 (PUSS = 323.2), Е-3542 (PUSS = 216.4), Е-3541 (PUSS = 287.6), and Е-246 (PUSS = 389.5). Varieties Е-3767, Е-246, and Е-3796 had stability and high homeostatics (Hom = 26.0, 25.9, and 10.7 correspondly), i.e. had genetic mechanism able to resist to unfavorable environmental factors. Pea varieties selected in infectious background may be used in breeding for resistance to diseasу and high stable productivity.

Keywords: pea, variety, aschochytosis, resistance, infectious background, yield capacity, plasticity, stability


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