Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Ecological plasticity and stability of winter rye productivity in the Republic of Komi

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.59.4.09-13.

Pages: 9-13.

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Kosolapova T.V., associate researcher,
Shmorgunov G.T., PhD in aqriculture, leading researcher

Scientific research Institute of agriculture of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Russia


The parameters of ecological plasticity and stability of the “yield” trait of winter rye vari-eties are considered in the article. During 2014…2016 in the conditions of the Republic of Komi on the fields of the Sysolsky SVTA the next varieties of winter rye were investigated: Falenskaya 4, Rada, Flora, Graphinya – bred in North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Bereginya – bred in VIR named after N.I. Vavilov and FSUE “Kotlasskoye”, Podarok – bred in “TatNIISH”. The soils of the experimental field are sod-podzolic medium loamy. Meteorological conditions in the years of study had contrasting indices during the growing season of winter rye both in amount of precipitation and in temperature regime. In 2016 the most favorable with moisture and heat availability all the tested varieties obtained the highest grain yield of 3.32-4.00 t/ha depending on the variety. The index of environmental conditions assumed a positive value of Ij = 10.6. Unfavorable weather conditions were in 2014 and 2015; the environmental conditions index had a negative value of Ij = -5.42 and -5.2 respectively. The yield of the studied varieties was not high. The average grain yield varied from 2.12 to 2.80 t/ha depending on the variety. The coefficient of linear regression (bi) of the yields of winter rye varieties shows their reaction on the change in environmental conditions. Varieties Bereginya (bi = 1.13), Graphinya (bi = 1.13) and Flora (bi = 1.11) had the value bi˃1 and were more responsive to change of environmental conditions and demanding to higher levels of agrotechnics. The Rada variety was bi = 0.69 (bi˂1) which indicates a weak reaction to the change in environmental conditions. Varieties Falenskaya 4 (bi = 0.95) and Podarok(bi = 1.0) change their yield in full accordance with changes in environmental conditions. Based on the results of the study of ecological parameters the variety Graphinya which has high ecological plasticity and stability is the most valuable for the conditions of the Komi Republic; it is responsive to changing environmental conditions and shows the highest yield.

Keywords: winter rye, ecological plasticity, stability, index of environmental conditions, yield, antioxidant activity, ferulic acid


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