Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Management of innovative development of agrarian sector of Russia in regional spectrum

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.59.4.75-80.

Pages: 75-80.

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Yudin A.А., PhD in economics, senior researcher

FGBN NIISKH of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Russia


The Republic of Komi has a fairly high innovative potential, which, however, has significant obstacles to its implementation (especially in the peripheral areas) due to weak infrastructure development. The main volume of the implemented innovative projects linked with local farms to major centers of settlement, although in recent years innovative investment projects began to be implemented in peripheral areas. The main barriers to implementation of innovative projects are underdeveloped transport and energy infrastructure in the region, as well as the lack of own funds for investment from enterprises-customers. Furthermore, the population in the peripheral areas often is not interested in the introduction of innovations in agriculture, because the production here is sufficient for the local population level. To the General level of investment of 110 billion roubles per year an agriculture was supported primarily as a socially significant in-dustry, providing employment in the field. When the level of investment in 110 - 170 billion on the ground that there is ample employment, in which the social role of agriculture is declining. For increase of efficiency of innovative activity in agriculture of the Republic of Komi proposed geographically focused approach to supporting innovation provide forms and volumes of state support of innovations for agriculture in particular regions of the Komi Republic, directions of decision of problems of agrarian and industrial complex of the Komi Republic, due to its charac-teristics as a system. The economic efficiency of the proposed measures is to optimize the state regulation of the directions and intensity of innovative processes in agriculture of the Republic on the basis of the territorially-oriented approach, and the use of new organizational instruments of such regulation.

Keywords: innovative development, innovative potential, agro-industrial complex


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