Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Veterinary problems of northern reindeer breeding and improvement of technology of carrying out of mass treatment-and-prophylactic actions

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.59.4.44-48.

Pages: 44-48.

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Kazanovskiy E.S., DSc in veterinary, leading researcher

Pechora department of veterinary science of FGBN NIISKH of the Republic of Komi, Pechora, Republic of Komi, Russia


The article presents the stages of research on the development of technology for combat-ing edemagenosis and anthrax of northern reindeer on the basis of the use of compositions of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs from the group of Iver-, Avermectins and the antiviral vaccine strain 55 VNIVViM. The need to conduct surveys is motivated by the advisability of combining two massive annual planned medical and prophylactic measures in reindeer husbandry (vaccination against Siberian sores and pharmacotherapy of edemagenosis), associated with large economic costs and labor intensity of the process. As a result of the conducted studies, the physi-cochemical compatibility of ivere-, avermectins and anti-STI vaccine strain 55 VNIVViM and harmlessness for deer was established. At the same time, a stable immunity against anthrax with an antibody titer from 1: 160 to 1: 640 and a 100% efficacy of larvocidal action against larvae of the subcutaneous gadfly is formed in the animals. The article also presents a split scheme for an unphaxic injection of medicinal and prophylactic drugs to deer, which contributes to a reduction in labor costs and a reduction in the timing of appropriate interventions.

Keywords: reindeer, edemagenoz, anthrax, vaccination, drug treatment, iver-, avermectins, technology, ship


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