Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Fertility of sod-podzolic soils and productivity of perennial grasses in long-term use of mineral fertilizers at the background of liming

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2017.60.5.28-33.

Pages: 28-33.

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Bulatova N.V., researcher,
Regorchuk N.V., head of laboratory

Research Institute of Agriculture of the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia


The effect of application of mineral fertilizers at the background of long-term (20 years) aftereffect of liming on agrochemical properties of sod-podzolic middle-loamy soil and yield of the clover-timothy mixture was studied in the field stationary experiment. It was established that at single application of dolomite powder in a dose of 1 unit of hydrolytic acidity (h.a.) the soil acidity is supported on level of medium acidity – рНKCl 4.6…4.7, in a dose of 2 h.a. – on level from slightly acidic upto next to neutral – рНKCl 5.5…5.6. Growing up of perennial grasses for 5 years contributed to the preservation of humus content in the soil at the level of 1.56 to 1.74% at the initial 1.5%. The degree of soil saturation with bases (V) at the background of lime aftereffect in dose of 1 h.a. made up 69…74%, which indicates a weak need of soil in the re-liming. At the background of aftereffect of lime input in a dose of 2 h.a. it is not required ameriorant inputting (V = 81…83%). Annual application of mineral fertilizers contributed to the accumulation of mobile phosphorus in the soil to high and very high level (173…281 mg/kg), and exchangeable potassium to the medium level (115…132 mg/kg). The degree of phosphorus mobility increased with increasing doses of mineral fertilizers, the maximum values (0.30…0.35 mg/l) were obtained on limed backgrounds. The aftereffect of lime had no effect on potassium mobility, which one was determined by the dose of fertilizers applied – 5.7…6.6 mg/l (N30P45K45), 9.0…13.9 mg/l (N60P75K75). Plants better used nutritions from fertilizer when they are inputted at the background of lime aftereffect: phosphorus – up to 27…34%, potassium – up to 76…96%. Utilization of phosphorus from soil was 25…34%, potassium – 32…40%. Inputting of N60P75K75 at the background of dolomite aftereffect at a dose of 2 h.a. provided the highest yield of dry mass of perennial grasses - 4.7 t/ha. When mineral fertilizers, independently on lime action the balance of phosphorus was positive, of potassium – negative. Intensity of balance was, respectively, 157…259% and 61…89%.

Keywords: dolomite powder, mineral fertilizer, sod-podzolic soil, phosphorus, potassium, balance, utilization factor, perennial grasses


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