Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of chemistry means on fodder productivity of alfalfa and brome grasses in field crop rotation

Pages: 21-27.

Prokina L.N., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory

Mordovskiy Agricultural Research Institute, Saransk, Russia


The article presents the results of researches on fodder productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and brome grass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) grown in field crop rotation with combined and separate application of mineral fertilizers and microfertilizer ZhUSS-2 on the background of soil liming at 0.5 and 1.0 units of hydrolytic acidity. The studies were conducted in 2005-2007 in long-time field stationary experiment under conditions of the Republic of Mordovia. During the years of research in legume crops, the yield of feed units amounted to 3841 fodder units (FU)/ha, the exchange energy (OE) of 40.3 GJ/ha and the crude protein (CP) of 1191 kg / ha, in cereals, respectively, 2589 FU/ha, 27 GJ / ha and 688 kg / ha. In the brome grass, the maximum number of fodder units (3548 FU/ha), OE (37.2 GJ/ha) and CP (963 kg/ha) were in variants with treatment of plants by the preparation ZHUSS-2, applying of full mineral fertilizer in a nitrogen dose of 90 kg/ha at the background of soil liming at 1.0 unit of hydrolytic acidity. The action of preparation ZHUSS-2 is more effective on legume (in alfalfa the increase of OE was 3.4 GJ/ha, fodder units - 327 FU/ha, CP - 127 kg/ha, in brome grass, respectively 2.0 GJ/ha, 195 FU/ha and 57 kg/ha). Soil liming was more effective in alfalfa (an increase in OE and FU of 8…11%, CP – 2…7%; in brome grass, respectively, 5…6% and 4…5%). Full mineral fertilizer with nitrogen dose of 60 and 90 kg of acting matter/ha at the background of liming at 0.5 and 1.0 units of hydrolytic acidity provided the best recoupment of 1 kg of mineral fertilizers with additional yield of OE, FU and CP in brome grass. In alfalfa the same was at phosphoric-potassium and full mineral fertilizer with a nitrogen dose of 15 kg of acting matter/ha and treatment with microfertilizer ZHUSS-2.

Keywords: alfalfa, brome grass, liming, preparation ZhUSS-2, mineral fertilizers, fodder units, exchange energy, crude protein, recoupment


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