Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Method for optimizing of reproductive function in postpartum cows

Pages: 52-56.

Yashin I.V., PhD in Biology, Acting Director,
Kosorlukova Z.Ya., PhD in Veterinary, Deputy Director,
Zotkin G.V., PhD in Veterinary, Chief Researcher,
Dubinin A.V., associate Researcher

Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


According to the official veterinary reports cattle in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2014-2016 showed a decreased level of carotene in 50.2…57.9%, a total serum protein – in 20.0…24.5%, total calcium – in 33.0…35.7%, inorganic phosphorus – in 29.0…32.5%, alkaline reserve – in 12.0…13.8% of the samples studied; in the structure of non-contagious pathology, the leading place was occupied by diseases of the reproductive organs, registered in 34.0% of diseased сattle. Our own studies revealed a decreased level of inorganic phosphorus and phagocytic activity of neutrophils in dry cows in a base economy. We developed a method for optimizing the reproductive function of cows comprising daily peroral application of remedy Bio-PHAYAL at a dose of 15…20 mg/kg body weight for 5 days starting at onset of the lactation period and 10 days prior to calving, in combination with the two-fold subcutaneous injection of the preparation Bio-TEK at a dose of 10 ml/head 60 and 30 days prior to calving, two-fold intramuscular injection of tetrahydrovit at a dose of 10 ml/head 60 and 30 days prior to calving and a single intramuscular injection of sedimin at a dose of 10 ml/head 45 days prior to calving. The developed method contributed to the optimization of the reproductive function of postpartum cows, which was characterized by a decrease in the level of obstetric morbidity by 19.0…49.3%, less time required for the uterine involution by 2.8…6.1 days, a reduction in the infertility by 7.7…21.6 days and an increase of their fertility by 5.7…13.0% in comparison with analogues.

Keywords: method of optimization, reproductive function, obstetric pathology, immune and biochemical homeostasis, organic acids, tissue preparation, tetrahydrovit, sedimin


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