Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Improvement quality of strip sowing of grasses’ seeds into a sod

Pages: 63-68.

Sysuev V.A., academician of RAS,
Demshin S.L., PhD in engineering, head of laboratory,
Cheremisinov D.A., PhD in engineering, researcher,
Doronin M.S., postgraduate

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Most of the technologies improving the productivity of natural grasslands are based on the complex of suppression of their biocenoses with herbicides by cutting ridges in the sod and planting grasses’ seeds into them. Their alternative is strip sowing with mechanical treatment of soil strip in the sod which parameters ensure successful development of sprouts without use of herbicides. For the conditions of Euro-North-East of Russia they are equal to: strip width of 10…11 cm, depth - not less than 6 cm, treated area - for at least 30% of the total plot area. For the implementation of this technology family the sod seeder SDK with disk milling openers was developed. To improve quality of sowing with seeders SDK, the opener group of seeders is developed that ensures presowing treatment of sod with disk milling openers and broadcast input of fertilizers along the axis of the processed strip with the subsequent leveling of soil surface. Compacted seedbed is produced with shoe openers along the axis of the treated strip and ordinary grass seed sowing was carried 1…2 cm above the depth of fertilizer application. Next is the packing of soil in the strips. Researches were conducted in laboratory and field conditions to assess the effectiveness of the action which identified indicators of sowing quality when using serial disk milling opener of the seeder SDK and experimental opener groups. Analysis of the results of the field experiment showed that regardless of the version of the opener group of seeders depth of sowing of clover seeds meets the agricultural requirements: the serial opener – 12…14 mm; the experimental opener group 7…9 mm. With increasing speed uniformity of seed distribution across the width of the strip is reduced, but for the experimental opener group the value of this indicator, equal to 6…8 mm, was considerably higher than for the serial opener, in which seed dispersal was 17…28 mm. 

Keywords: sod, seeder for sowing of grasses’ seeds, opener group, shoe opener, indicators of sowing quality of grasses’ seeds in a sod


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