Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Productive quality of cows at use of bio-supplement VERVA in dry period

Pages: 43-47.

Dursenev M.S., PhD in biology, associated professor,
Filatov A.V., DSc in veterinary, professor

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia


The increase in manufactury of dairy products in large complexes is not currently possible without usage of biologically active supplements to diets. Most promising in this direction are the supplements of natural origin, such as VERVA. The purpose of the research was to estimate the effect of supplement VERVA on cow performance and economic efficiency of milk production. Experimental studies conducted in conditions of “Agrofirma “Bobino-M” in Kirov region on the high-yielding Holsteins cows of black-motley breed in the dry period. Three groups of cows with 10 animals each were involved in scientific-economic experiment: two test groups and one control. Animals of 1 and 2 experimental groups received Supplement VERVA in the amount of 5 and 10 ml per head per day during 60-day dry period. Before use liquid feed additive was 10 times diluted with water and added to the feed mixture for the basic diet balanced according to the norms approved by аll-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry. All animals were monitored during childbirth and the postpartum state, and records of milk production were kept. According to the results of studies it have shown that the Supplement had a positive impact on the childbirth and the postpartum state of animals, quantity and quality of resulting dairy products. Mastitis was observed 2 times less in the test groups in comparison with the control. The amount of milk fat in the test groups was higher respectively by 4.9% (p < 0.05) and 2.7% in comparison with the control group. The amount of protein in the milk of animals of first test group was higher by 11.4% (p < 0.05) in comparison with the control, in the second test group - by 6.9%. The profit of additionally produced milk through the use of supplements made 91.60 thousand RUB in 1-st group; in 2 group – 48.42 thousand rubles.

Keywords: cows, dry period, VERVA, productivity, economical effect


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