Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Technological evaluation of grain in collection samples of naked oat in the conditions of Northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region

Pages: 4-9.

Ivanova Yu.S., Researcher,
Fomina M.N., PhD in Agriculture, Chief researcher

Northern Zauralye Agricultural Research Institute, Branch of Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS, s. Moskovsky, Tyumen region, Russia


Oats - is a crop of universal use both for feed and food purposes. Naked varieties are of particular interest in this regard. At grain’s evaluating for the processing industry, it is necessary to define such technological grain properties as test weight and 1000-grain mass. In this regard, the estimation of the 213 naked oat samples of different ecologo-geographic origin was done. Influence of growth conditions and varietal characteristics on these indicators was shown. It is established that the formation of the test weight and 1000-grain mass is significant influenced by the genotype × environment interaction (54.3% and 48.2% respectively). The influence of individual factors (variety, year) was significantly lower. The connection of the test weight and 1000-grain mass with the geometric parameters of kernel: sphericity (Ψ), grain volume (V), external surface area of the grain (F), ratio of grain volume to external surface area (V/F). It was established a positive correlation of index of sphericity with test weight (r = 0.20…0.82) and 1000-grain mass (r = 0.31…0.97). A negative correlation was observed between the full-scale weight and external surface area of grain (r = -0.72…-0.94). The 1000-grain mass largely dependent on the volume (r = 0.47…0.90) and external surface area of the grain (r = 0.39…0.94). The influence of technological parameters of grain on content of protein, fat and starch was shown. As a result of evaluation of collection samples new initial material was identified for breeding of naked oat varieties having high technological parameters: for grain test weight k-8739 (Republic of Mordovia, Russia); – 14683 (UK); k-2353, k-15096, k-15162 (USA); for 1000-grain mass k-14230, k-14364 (Belarus); k–11448 (Israel); k-15225 (USA).

Keywords: naked oats, technological parameters, grain test weight, 1000-grain mass, geometric parameters, initial material


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