Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of fertilizers on content and dynamics of mobile forms of cupper and zink in sod-podzolic soil

Pages: 30-34.

Simonova О.А., PhD in agriculture, researcher,
Cheglacova О.А., post-graduate

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


In this paper we present the results of 2016…2017 studies on the influence of different doses of mineral fertilizers (0, 30, 90, 120, and 150 kg/ha of acting matter of NPK) on the content of mobile compounds of zinc and copper in the arable horizon of sod-podzolic soil under conditions of long-term stationary field located in the Kirov region. The increase in the content of mobile compounds of zinc in the soil, compared with control, and their dynamics during the vegetation period was observed with the application of fertilizers in doses of 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha. Thus, the amount of these compounds of the element in the variant with control during the period under study ranged from 0.17 to 2.42 mg/kg; when applying fertilizer doses: 30 kg/ha – 0.17-4.11 mg/kg; 60 kg/ha – 0.28-5.38 mg/kg; 90 kg/ha ˗ 0.21-3.73 mg/kg. On the content of mobile compounds of copper, the introduction of different doses of mineral fertilizers had no effect. The dynamics of this element during the vegetation period are expressed poorly. A significant increase in the number of investigated copper compounds in all variants including the control was detected in early June and late July. For example, in the control variant the maximum content of mobile compounds of this element was 0.53 mg/kg, and when applying a fertilizer dose of 30 kg/ha, 0.52 mg/kg; 60 kg/ha – 0.56 mg/kg; 90 kg/ha – 0.66 mg/kg; 120 kg/ha – 0.57 mg/kg; 150 kg/ha – 0.52 mg/kg. At the same time, the change in the content of mobile compounds of elements during the growing season is associated with hydrothermal conditions.

Keywords: copper, zinc, fertilizers, soil


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