Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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The effect of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of naked oat of Persheron variety

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.62.1.52-57.

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Abashev V.D., DSc in Agricultural sciences, senior researcher,
Popov F.A., PhD in Agricultural sciences, Head of the Laboratory,
Noskova E.N., PhD in Agricultural sciences, researcher,
Zhuk S.N., junior researcher
Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russia, е-mail:

The research was done in 2015-2017 in the Kirov region on sod-podzolic middle-loamy soil formed on eluvia of Perm clay. Naked oat of Persheron variety was cultivated after spring wheat. The rates of fertilizers in experiment ranged from 30 to 150 kg of acting matter of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. With increase in fertilizers rates the productivity of naked oat was rising, but yield gain was declining with every next dose. Grain productivity was mainly determined by use of nitric and phosphoric fertilizers and to a smaller degree - by potassium ones. The highest yield was obtained by applying complete minerals at rate N60P60K60, which provided the productivity of 2.41 t/ha that is 1.6 times higher than without fertilizers, and at rate N90P30K30 – 2.52 t/ha. The highest payback from 1 kg of acting matter of fertilizers by the main product was in variants N60 – 5.5 kg, N30P30K30 – 5.7 kg, N60P60 – 6.4 kg, N90P30K30 – 6.9 kg of grain. Each increase in fertilizer rate led to decline in return of grain, at maximum dose of N150P150K150 it was 2.1 kg. The productivity value of naked oat and payback of fertilizers in grain were influenced by weather conditions during the growing season. The highest productivity of naked oat (1.96- 3.47 t/ha) was noted in 2015 because of favorable weather, in arid conditions of 2016 it was the lowest (0.85-2.05 t/ha). Grain quality of naked oat depended mainly on weather conditions during the growing season and harvesting period. The application of mineral fertilizers had minor effect on test weight and weight of 1000 grains, in variants these parameters were 593-640 g/l and 23.2-30g respectively.

Keywords: naked oat, productivity, sod-podzolic soil, fertilizers, payback of fertilizers in grain, the weight of 1000 grains, test weight

For citation:

Abashev V.D., Popov F.A., Noskova E.N., Zhuk S.N. The effect of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of naked oat of Persheron variety. Agrarnay nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 62. no. 1. pp. 52-57. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.62.1.52-57.