Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Nutritional and biological value of new bakery and flour confectionery products

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.69-74.

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N.K. Lapteva, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher,
L.V. Mitkinykh, process engineer

Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russian Federation,

The article presents new products of Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East: rye-wheat crisp bread "Dorozhnye", "Pikantnye", "With sesame" and cake "Osenny" on dense ferment and yeast. Nutritional and biological value of new products is determined by the content of rye peeled flour, sunflower oil, sesame, garlic, fer-mented rye malt and raisin. They enrich the products with dietary fibers, minerals, vitamins and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Crispbreads are characterized with high content of poly-unsaturated linolic acid (6.1-8.0 g/100 g of the product), which is included in cell membranes, other structures of tissues and performs a number of important func-tions in organism. Mineral content (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron) in rye-wheat crisp bread "Dorozhnye", "Pikantnye", "With sesame" is 50.8; 54.8; 90.2 % higher than in the control (crisp bread "Domashnie"). Use of 100 g/ day of rye-wheat crisp bread allows to cover 31.3…33.7% of average daily physiological demand of human in dietary fibers (industrial analogue has only 22.7%). Cake "Osenny" 1.9 times exceeds the control sample (cake "Sportivny") in content of dietary fibers (4.1 g/100 g). Cake "Osenny" has 3.16 g of poly-unsaturated fatty acids per 100 g; the main part of which is linolic acid. Cake "Osenny" is 20.8% lower in energy value than control sample. Use of 100 g/day of cake "Osenny" twice increases human physiological need in poly-unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber as compared to the industrial analogue, cake "Sportivny". Introducing of the new products into manufacturing allows to enlarge the assortment of bread and flour confectioneries with increased nutritional and biological value for adequate nutrition of human in modern world.

Keywords: crisp bread from rye and wheat flour mix, cakes, raw rye, nutritional value

For citation:

Lapteva N.K., Mit'kinykh L.V. Nutritional and biological value of new bakery and flour confectionery products // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 66. no. 5. pp. 69-74. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.69-74