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The criterion of significance of general adaptive ability

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.30-33.

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E.S. Rekashus, PhD in Agriculture, i/c leading researcher, e-mail:, ORCID ID 0000-0001-9540-2333

Smolensk state agricultural experimental station named  by A.N. Engelhardt, Stodolishche village, Smolensk region, Russian Federation, e-mail:

The article presents a method for calculating the statistical criterion for evaluation the adaptive ability of selection achievements. The aim is to provide mathematical background for the criterion of significance of the differences between the  experimental  variants  on  the  general  adaptive  ability, which  is  determined  in  the  process  of  two-way  analysis  of variance.  Investigations  were  carried  out  in  the  Smolensk  State  Agricultural  Experimental  Station  named  after A.N. Engelhardt. The criterion is the least significant difference at a defined significance level between the average yield of the variety in all studied ecological environments (or for all years of observations) and the average yield of all varieties and the standard in all ecological environments (for all years of observation). It is the multiplication of the Student's t-test at a defined significance level and error of the general adaptive ability. The error of the general adaptive ability was mathematically justified. This parameter is a function of the mean squared error, the number of ecological environments (or years of observations), the repetition of the experiment and the total number of cases. The breeder can determine the necessary parameters for its calculation during the process of two-way analysis of variance according Dospekhov B.A. The criterion helps to determine the experimental variants with statistically significant low, medium and high general adaptive ability. The conditions for successful application of the proposed method are recommended. The calculation procedure is given. This criterion is recommended to use at the final stages of the selection process if it is necessary to isolate a material with a high general adaptive ability. It is also recommended for use in combination with other parameters of adaptive ability for explication the plasticity, stability and breeding value of the studied crop genotypes, if necessary for the breeder. 

Keywords: statistical processing, statistical criterion, criterion of significance, least significant difference, general adaptive ability, selective number, variety

For citation:

Rekashus E.S. The criterion of significance of general adaptive ability // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 66. no. 5. pp. 30-33. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.30-33.