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The criterion of significance of general adaptive ability: numerical model

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.34-39.

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E.S. Rekashus, PhD in Agriculture, i/c leading researcher, e-mail:,  
ORCID ID 0000-0001-9540-2333,
O.V. Kurdakova, senior researcher

Smolensk state agricultural experimental station named by A.N. Engelhardt, Stodolishche village, Smolensk region, Russian Federation, e-mail:

The aims of  the  study: 1)  to give an example of calculating  the criterion  for evaluation  the collection of air-dry matter of the new red clover variety (Trifolium pratense L.) Pochinkovets in a competitive variety test; 2) to  compare  the  general  adaptive  ability  (GAA)  of  the  selection  achievement  with  other  evaluation  criteria.  The initial data for the statistical processing were obtained from 2013 to 2015 in the breeding crop rotation of the Smolensk  State Agricultural  Experimental  Station  named  after A.N.  Engelhardt.  The  soil  of  test  plots  is  sodmedium podzol  light  loamy with a medium acidic reaction,  low content of humus,  high content of mobile phosphorus  and medium mobile  potassium  level.  The wintering  conditions  varied  from  favorable  to  causing  snow cover fracture, with low negative temperatures effect coming next. The vegetative periods were characterized by an  elevated  temperature. The moisture  regime  varied  from  optimal  to  semi-arid.  Four  selective  numbers were tested: Pochinkovets variety (S-434), S-439, R-4 (from Smolensk State Agricultural Experimental Station named after A.N. Engelhardt) and No. 359  (France). The variety Smolensky 29 was  the  standard. The  least  significant difference  in GAA at alpha  level of 0.05 was 0.49  t/ha of air -dry matter. Two  selective numbers were chosen. They  are  S-434  (Pochinkovets)  and  No.  359  (with  GAA  0.92  and  0.83  t/ha  of  air-dry  matter  respectively). The GAA of  the  standard was 1.01  t/ha  (significantly  low). The S-434  (Pochinkovets) variety was more  stable than No. 359. Its specific adaptive ability equal to 3.30 was lower than that of No. 359 (5.05). For this reason, the selection value of the genotype S-434 (Pochinkovets) equal to 4.88 was higher than that of No. 359 (3.00). Based on the positive results of the competitive test, the new Pochinkovets variety was passed to the State varietal test. Since 2018  it has been  included  into  the State Register of Selection Achievements. The new  statistical criterion was successfully tested during the red clover selection process. 

Keywords: statistical criterion, criterion of significance, least significant difference, general adaptive ability, new variety, red clover

For citation:

Rekashus E.S., Kurdakova O.V. The criterion of significance of general adaptive ability: numerical model // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 66. no. 5. pp. 34-39. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.34-39