Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Introduction of viburnum opulus in Kirov region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.67.6.79-82.

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A.P. Sofronov, PhD in Agriculture, Head of the laboratory of fruit and berry crops, e-mail:,
S.V. Firsova, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, the laboratory of fruit and berry crops

Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russian Federation,

The article provides the results of seven viburnum opulus varieties study in the conditions of Kirov region (the conlrol variety is Tayozhnye rubiny of NIIS of Siberia named after M. A. Lisavenko selection). The productiv-ity evaluation was held in the plant age of 7 and 10 and during all years of study on the average. According to the average productivity of 1996-2002, the form 1-2-5 (5.3 t/ha) and the Ulgen sort combining productivity (4.2 t/ha) and large fruitness (0.73g) have been selected on Kirov fruit variety testing plot. During the 1999-2010 period of study in FARC North-East no signs of freezing were noticed on the variety. On the 7th year such sorts as Souzga (9.0 t/ha) and Krasnaya Grozd (8.0 t/ha) had the highest productivity. On the 10th year all varieties, excluding Eliksir and Krasnaya Grozd were noticed to have significant productivity loss because of high honeysuckle sawfly (Tenthredo livida L) development. Krasnaya Grozd variety was determined as productive one in ten-year age (15.8 t/ha) and as a mid-productive (12.2 t/ha) during the 2006-2010 years of study. The sort exceeded the control variety results (1.4 and 2.4 t/ha respectively). According to the large-fruitness, the varieties were divided into three groups: with a medium fruit weight (varieties Souzga - 0.7g, Krasnaya Grozd - 0.68g and Eliksir – 0.62g); a small size fruited group (Zholobovskaya variety – 0.54g); and very small fruit varieties (Ulgen – 0.50g, Tayozhnye rubiny – 0.46g and form 1-2-5 – 0.42g). A strong positive correlation (r=0.77) between an overage mass of one bunch and viburnum productivity was noticed. Krasnaya Grozd variety of FSBSI FRC named after I. V. Michurin has been noted according to a combination of traits complex (productivity on the 10th year after planting, mid-productivity, large-fruitness and mass of a bunch).

Keywords: viburnum opulus, variety study, yield, average weight of one berry

For citation:

Sofronov A.P., Firsova S.V. Introduction of viburnum opulus in Kirov region // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 67. no. 6. pp. 79-82. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.67.6.79-82.