Veterinary medicine
№ 1 (20)
Sisyagin P.N., Sisyagina E.P., Nikulin D.M., Yuldashov Yu.B., Redzhepova G.R..
Immune status of calves with respiratory pathology and its correction
№ 2 (21)
Ermolina C.A..
Pharmacological correction of immune system of calves, patients with bronchopneumonia
Krotov L.N..
Role of microbe and fungoid factors in aetiology and development of post-natal diseases in cows
№ 3 (22)
Tatarnikova N.A., Permyakova I.N..
Effective schemes of medical treatment of cows with postnatal gynecologic diseases
Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Latushkina N.A., Kuznetsova N.V..
Effect of BCL on common resistance of calves and sucking-pig
№ 4 (23)
Sisyagina E.P., Sisyagin P.N., Redzhepova G.R., Yuldashov Yu.B., Ubitina I.V..
Application of herbal preparations for correction of calves' secondary immune deficiencies
Isaev V.V., Blokhin A.A., Khrisanfova T.D., Korobova O.V..
Complex system of actions on preventive maintenance of gastro-intestinal diseases in calves
№ 5 (24)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Ogarkova I.S., Perminova Z.K..
Identification of efficiencies doses of bioinfusin for white mouses
№ 6 (25)
Ivanova I.P., Litvinova L.G., Trofimova S.V., Timush A.V., Burkhina O.E..
Influence of micro-second impulse electromagnetic exposure on ionic balance in cells and organisms of test animals
Bukina L.A., Poletaeva O.G..
Contemporary epidemiological situation at trichinellosis in Chukot District of the Chukot Autonomous Area
№ 1 (26)
Grigor'eva T.E., Makarov A.A..
Estimation of combined way of treatment of sub-involution of uterus at cows with use of acupuncture
Russkikh A.P., Andreeva S.D., Panfilov A.B..
Morphological characteristics of the biological substrates of pigs at the simulation of acute destructive pancreatitis
Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Ogarkova I.S..
Effect of the preparation BCL and the complex from Leuzea carthamoides on white mice
№ 2 (27)
Krysenko Yu.G., Troshin E.I..
Estimation of efficiency of aerosol sanitation of apartment at respiratory syndrome at pigs
№ 3 (28)
Leont'ev L.B., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Burova O.A., Tichonova G.P..
Composite preparation for optimization of the physiological status of the calves
№ 4 (29)
Kopylov S.N..
The effect of emitsidin on lipid peroxidation in cows with myocardiodystrophy
Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Ogarkova I.S..
Influence of phytocomplex of leuzea, byo-infusine and bactocellolactine on nature resistance and biochemistry of blood of suckling-pig
Zotkin G.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Yashin I.V., Leont'ev L.B..
Physiological basis of use of organic acids to optimize the reproductive function of cows
№ 5 (30)
Iovleva A.Yu., Chupin S.A., Metlin A.E..
Development of real-time PCR for detection and differentiation of rabies virus's field isolates from the vaccine strain
№ 6 (31)
Blokhin A.A., Isaev V.V., Molev A.I..
Epizootological aspects of prevention of mass mastitis of lasting cows
№ 1 (32)
Sisyagina E.P., Sisyagin P.N., Redzhepova G.R., Yuldashov Yu.B., Ubitina I.V..
Prophylactic efficiency of phitotsea at respiratory diseases of calves
№ 3 (34)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Markova I.S..
Effect of probiotics, bioinfusin and fit complex FANT on state of blood of female pigs
Buldakova К.V., Sozinov V.A..
Way of reducing of heavy metals' content in the organs and tissues of broiler chickens
№ 4 (35)
Konopeltsev I.G., Muravina E.S., Sapozhnikov A.F..
Pharmaco-toxicological property and efficiency of use of ozoned emulsion at endometritis at cows
Blokhin A.A., Burova O.A., Isaev V.V., Khrisanfova T.D., Korobova O.V..
Effect of preparation «Baikal EM1» on immunobiochemical indices of blood and productivity of milk cows
№ 5 (36)
Grigor'eva T.E., Sergeeva N.S..
Estimation of complex methods of treatment of endometritis in cows with acupuncture, endometromag-bio and immunomodulators
Kazanovskiy E.S., Karabanov V.P., Klebenson K.A..
Basis and perspectives of usage of composition of dermacyne with anti-anthrax vaccine c.55 in north deer-rising
№ 6 (37)
Sisyagin P.N., Redzhepova G.R., Sisyagina E.P..
Evaluation criteria for immunodeficiency severity at mixed viral-bacterial
Blokhin A.A., Molev A.I..
Clinical and morphological manifestation of cattle virus diarrhea in newborn calves
Kolberg N.A., Petrova O.G., Markovskaya S.A..
Analysis of the epidemic situation in cattle respiratory diseases of infectious etiology in the enterprises of the Ural region
Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Yashin I.V., Zotkin G.V., Blokhin P.I..
Optimization of reproductive function of cows
Okulova I.I., Kokorina A.E., Bespyatykh O.Yu..
Histological structure of red fox kidney under influence of succinic acid
№ 1 (38)
Grigor'eva T.E., Kondruchina S.G., Trifonova L.E..
Effect of persistent yellow body at cows' ovaries on conceive and metabolism (pp. 45-48)
Sozinov V.A., Ermolina C.A..
The use of biogenic iodine compounds in the egg poultry farming (pp. 48-51)
№ 2 (39)
Kokorina A.E., Okulova I.I., Bespyatykh O.Yu..
Influence of succinic acid in liver histology of red fox (pp. 39-42)
Bukina L.A..
Intrauterine transmission of Trichinella spp. (pp. 42-45)
№ 3 (40)
Burova O.A., Blokhin A.A., Isaev V.V..
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases of calves with application of biologically active substances (pp. 36-39)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Latushkina N.A., Timkina E.Yu..
Effect of ecdisteroids complex end probiotic on state of blood and save of sucking-pigs (pp. 40-44)
№ 4 (41)
Kopylov S.N., Raznitsyna V.A..
Morphological characteristics of the cardiac muscle in calves showing clinical signs of myocardiodystrophy (pp. 31-34)
Burova O.A., Isaev V.V., Blokhin A.A..
Endogenic intoxication index as a prophylaxis rate at gastrointestinal diseases in newborn calves (pp. 34-38)
Filatov A.V., Sapozhnikov A.F..
Farmacoprevention of postnatal disease in sows (pp. 39-43)
Yashin I.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Zotkin G.V., Blokhin P.I..
Prophylaxis of obstetrical pathologies in cows (pp. 44-47)
№ 5 (42)
Shupletsova N.N., Konopeltsev I.G., Blednikh L.V..
The influence of celenoline, cedimin and eleovite on reproductive ability and level of endogenic intoxication at heifers (pp. 46-51)
№ 6 (43)
Blednikh L.V..
Use of UV-spectrophotometry for the quantitative determination of furazolidone in uterine contents of cows (pp. 45-49)
№1 (44)
Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L., Gryazeva N.A..
Dynamics of bovine leucosis infection in the Kirov region and effectiveness of anti-leucosis measures (pp. 60-65)
№2 (45)
Bespyatykh O.Yu..
Age changes in the mineral composition of blood of fur animals (pp. 56-61)
№3 (46)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Latushkina N.A., Timkina E.Yu..
Using of phytocomplex on a base of Rhaponticum carthamoides and of probiotics for increasing of viability of suckling-pigs (pp. 50-54)
№5 (48)
Milkov A.A..
Effect of extract of saw-wort (Seratulla coronate) on the viability of white rats (pp. 68-72)
№6 (49)
Gorchakov V.V., Vorotnikov V.P..
Pasture prophylaxis of fasciolosis: plant molluscicide from calamus (Acorus calamus) (pp. 60-64)
№1 (50)
Sisyagin P.N., Sisyagina E.P., Redzhepova G.R., Ubitina I.V..
Influence of “Immoveton-aero” on parameters of immunity of calves at the critical period of calf rearing (pp. 47-50)
№2 (51)
Isaev V.V., Burova O.A., Blokhin A.A..
Study of the effectiveness of a new humic preparation “Furor” at correction of immuno-deficiencies in newborn calves (pp. 48-53)
Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L..
Estimating the degree of body immunodepression in leukosis-infected cattle (pp. 53-57)
№3 (52)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Zhizhina А.А., Latushkina N.A., Timkina E.Yu..
Influence of phyto-bacterial complex FANTPLUS on clinical and biochemical status of pigs (pp. 38-43)
Nikolaev S.V..
Therapeutic efficacy of ozonated emulsion in acute endometritis in cows-heifers (pp. 43-49)
№4 (53)
Yashin I.V., Zotkin G.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Gladkova N.A..
Impact of composition of organic acids on indicators characterizing endogenous intoxication in cows (pp. 49-53)
Korableva T.P., Senchuk I.V..
Influence of Prolam probiotic on parameters of natural resistance and metabolic status of newborn calves (pp. 53-57)
№5 (54)
Latushkina N.A., Ivanovskiy A.A..
Effectiveness of the using scheme for bactocellolaktin in prophylaxis of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases in calves and weaned piglets (pp. 63-67)
№6 (55)
Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L., Gryazeva N.A..
Options for the eradication of bovine leukemia virus infection in dairy cattle (pp. 42-47)
Grigor'eva T.E., Sergeeva N.S..
The results of industrial test of method for the treatment of endometritis in cows (pp. 47-50)
№1 (56)
Lukyanova G.A., Makarova M.V., Galat M.V., Makarevich N.A., Gurenko I.A..
Epizootic situation on toxoplasmosis in the Crimea (pp. 66-69)
№2 (57)
Burova O.A., Blokhin A.A..
Systematic approach to the development of methods of prevention of gastro-intestinal diseases in newborn calves (pp. 46-50)
Timkina P.S..
Influence of phytobiotic preparations «Provitol» and "Mix-Oil" on morphofunctional characteristics of pigs’ liver (pp. 51-56)
Gorchakov V.V., Vorotnikov V.P..
Anthelmintic activity of dandielion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg.) (pp. 57-61)
№3 (58)
Smirnov Y.P..
Theory of cancer and immunological aspects of carcino- and leukemogenesis (pp. 49-54)
Blokhin A.A., Burova O.A., Liskova E.A..
Pathologicoanatomic changes in calves at sepsis caused by rhodococci (pp. 55-58)
Nematodoses of pigs in The Republic of Crimea and morphometric parameters of helminth eggs (pp. 59-64)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Zhizhina А.А..
Influence of phytobakterial complex FANTPLUS on some morphological and immunological parameters of white mice’s blood (pp. 65-68)
№4 (59)
Kazanovskiy E.S..
Veterinary problems of northern reindeer breeding and improvement of technology of carrying out of mass treatment-and-prophylactic actions (pp. 44-48)
read all
Sokolova O. V., Isakovа M.N., Ryaposova M.V..
Features of of metabolic indicators in pregnant cows during late prenatal period (pp. 48-53)
Sobeshchanskaya E.M., Korableva T.P..
Practical application of the STF-1/56 TiM biomedication in industrial animal husbandry (pp. 54-58)
Latushkina N.A., Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu..
Study of chemical composition and toxic properties of phytocomplex containing biologically active substances (pp. 58-62)
№5 (60)
Grigor'eva T.E., Sergeeva N.S..
The contents of sexual hormones in cows in the early postpartum period (pp. 40-43)
Dursenev M.S., Filatov A.V..
Productive quality of cows at use of bio-supplement VERVA in dry period (pp. 43-47)
Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L..
Possibilities of immunomodulation for increasing resistance of calves to BLV-infection (pp. 47-51)
Yashin I.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Zotkin G.V., Dubinin A.V..
Method for optimizing of reproductive function in postpartum cows (pp. 52-56)
№6 (61)
Poryvaeva A.P., Shilova E.N., Nurmieva V.R., Ust'yantsev I.V..
Tension of post-vaccination immunity to causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections in calves (pp. 41-45)
Azyamov M.A., Agalakova T.V..
Regenerating properties of new drug Dyalderon (pp. 46-50)
Zharikov Ya.A., Kaneva L.A., Bobretsov V.E., Kozlova Yu.A..
The relationship of metabolic profile of lambs different genotypes with their growth (pp. 50-54)
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Gorchakov V.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya..
Molluscicidal properties of the common oak (pp. 55-58)
Rusakov R.V., Vylegzhanin A.V..
The effectiveness of use of peat’s biologically active substances in feeding of bulls (pp. 59-63)
№1 (62)
Evstafieva V.А., Melnichuk V.V., Sharavara T. A., Sirenko E.V, Makarevich N.A., Kutsenko Yu.P., Khlevnaya G.S..
Specific features of embryonic development of Trichuris skrjabini (Baskakov, 1924) nematode eggs parasitizing in sheep
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№2 (63)
Ivanovskiy A.A., Latushkina N.A., Timkina E.Yu..
Effect of extract from herbal complex on the clinical and hematological status of white mice
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№4 (65)
Azyamov M.A., Agalakova T.V..
Study of cytokine therapeutic effect of dyalderon in the scheme of treatment of cattle for disease caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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