Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

Submission guidelines

     Title should be short (up to 10 meaning words), informative and to reflect article maintenance precisely.

      Abstract containing of 200-250 words is applied on article (GOST 7.9-95).

      Do not repeat the title of the article. The structure of the abstracts briefly describes the structure of the work. The introductory part is minimal. The research place is specified to the area (territory). The results statement provides specific information (conclusions, recommendations, etc.). Allowed the introduction of abbreviations within the abstract (the concept of 2-3 words is replaced by the abbreviation of the appropriate number of letters to the 1st time given in full, the abbreviation is in parentheses, then use only the abbreviation). Avoid using introductory words and phrases! Numerals, if they are not the first word, are transmitted by digits.

     Keywords should reflect the basic theme of article and bear the greatest semantic loading of its maintenance: object of research; action, process, a research objective; methods or a technique etc.

     Title, data on authors (A surname, an academic status, a scientific degree, a post, a work place, a city, the country), the abstract, keywords, the references must be accompany by translation into English.

     Text is made out in Microsoft Word text editor, font Times New Roman, the size of 14 with an one-and-a-half interval (А4 format, 2.5 cm margins). Maximum volume of article is 15 pages, including 3-4 figures or tables and the references.

     Editors reserves the right to reductions of published materials and their adaptation to Journal headings and sections.

     It is necessary to specify full names of all official documents mentioned in article, the enterprises, the organizations and departments. Names of foreign firms and models of machines are given in a Latin transcription.

     Articles with a considerable quantity of formulas is represented on the electronic media - the Microsoft Equation editor of formulas. Electronic variant of article should not be protected from editing of formulas.

     Figures, photos should be executed in electronic form, providing clearness of transfer of all details. Diagrammes, schedules should be executed in Microsoft Word text editor. At construction of the diagramme it is better to use shading.

     It is necessary to avoid bulky tables. They should have the name and a serial number. Numbering of tables is through.

     References (not less than 10-15 titles for experimental work, 30-50  titles for survey article) should be provided in order of mention, in the text - digital references in brackets. The References should be composed according to GOST Р 7.0.5-2008. In the list of references does not include Standards, regulatory legal acts, normative-references (if necessary links to them are documented in the text as footnotes), educational literature, theses and dissertation abstracts (references are issued to publications on the materials of theses). Allowed reasonable self-citations (20%). Desirable links (30%) on the works of foreign authors published in English.