Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Comparative evaluation of forage crops in the collection nursery

Pages: 29-34.

Voloshin V.A., DSc, Chief researcher 

Perm Agricultural Research Institute


Results of five years' comparative evaluation of perennial and annual crops and varieties on precocity, mowing, productivity and quality of green mass in collection nursery are described in the article. Determined Line of species and varieties of perennial and annual forage crops providing gathering of 5-10 t/ha under conditions of the Perm Krai, including 8 varieties with productivity of more than 10 t/ha of dry mass.  Traditional species and varieties are presented with alfalfa Sarga and Vega 87, galega Gale, meadow clover Lobanovsky of the first year of use. Promising varieties are presented with meadow clover Vytjaz' and Onyx, alfalfa Aislu, Yaroslavna and Kuzbasskaya. Results of the biochemical analysis shown high energy and protein value of forage of perennial legumes. The lowest energy and especially protein value has raw material of corn: concentration of exchange energy meets the needs of cows with an annual milk yield of 4000-4500 kg, but in raw protein (8.44-8.94% dry matter) is acute deficit. It is shown that in the modern approach to adaptive forage production priority in the Perm region should be given to perennial legumes (meadow clover, alfalfa, galega, sand sainfoin). These cultures can provide a conditioned milk output 10-14 tons of dry matter and 12-20 tons per 1 hectare - in raw protein. For perennial grasses and annual forage crops (including corn) these indicators in 3 or more times below.

Keywords: fodder crops, perennial legume grasses, perennial poaceous grasses, annual crops, corn, variety, productivity, mowing term, biochemical composition


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