Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of phyto-bacterial complex FANTPLUS on clinical and biochemical status of pigs

Pages: 38-43.

Ivanovsky А.А., DSc in veterinary, head of laboratory,
Zhizhina А.А., graduate student,
Latushkina N.А., associated researcher,
Timkina Е.Yu., PhD in agriculture, Scientific Secretary

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


The article presents results of studies on the effect of the complex FANTPLUS made on the basis of micro-organisms Lactobacillus plantarum and Rhaponticum carthamoides on clinical and biochemical status of pregnant sows and weaned piglets. The experiments were conducted in JSC "Zarech'e" (Kirov) on 60 weaned piglets of 2-months age and 60 pregnant sows of large white breed for 1 month prior to the expected farrowing. A month after the start of the experiment in the blood serum of experimental groups of pigs levels of ALT and AST decreased by 6.3…14.8% and 9.8…12.9% respectively while the level of alkaline phosphatase - by 1.4…2.8%, MDA - by 4.8…14.6%; it is also pointed out increased of ceruloplasmin by 20%. Insignificant change in the level of glucose and cholesterol levels and increase the total protein is noted. Preservation of the piglets upon termination of observations in the control was 94%, while in the test group where FANTPLUS was administered at a dose of 0.5 g / head per day - 100%. Experiment on gestating sows showed that after applying FANTPLUS at a dose of 1.0 g / head per day AST level in serum of experimental groups of pigs decreased by 16.7…38.5%,  ALT – by 13.3…30.8% whereas in the control group they were above normal. There was a decrease in MDA level by 7.1% and 31.9%; and increasing SH-groups of proteins by 12.5 and 20%. In addition, pigs experimental groups showed an increase in the level of ceruloplasmin by 3.4…32.2%. As a result of FANTPLUS usage in sows whitin a month it was found that their clinical condition was within the physiological norm and the resulting offspring proved to be quite viable. The experiments revealed that the use of FANTPLUS in weaned pigs during the month at a dose of 0.5 g per head per day helps to improve their clinical and biochemical status.

Keywords: FANTPLUS, Leuzea, ecdysteroids, probiotics, blood biochemistry, sows, weaned piglets


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