Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of agro-meteo-conditions on main economically valuable parameters in long-fibred flax

Pages: 26-30.

Koshcheeva N.S., head of laboratory,
Lyskova I.V., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Kraeva S.N., associate researcher

Falenki Breeding Station, c. Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Results of studying influence of agrometeoconditions on the basic economically valuable parameters (productivity, content of fibre and its quality) of long-fibred flax in the east of the central agroclimatic zone of the Kirov region during 2001 … 2015 are stated in the article. For last 15 years, a tendency is observed of increase of a temperature mode and decrease in an amount of precipitation in May, i.e. during the period «sowing - seedling» that extended approach of a phase "seedlings". The period of fast growth of long-fibred flax's plants in the conditions of Falenki Plant-Breeding Station fall at June. Productivity of straw and fiber in long-fibred flax is considerably reduced with short-term droughts if they coincided with this period. The lack of moisture in June has been noted in 33.3% of years of researches. Essential correlations of productivity parameters of varietal collection of long-fibred flax with hydrothermal factor of June are established. The technical height of plants depended on agro-meteorological conditions in period of fast growth (r = 0.81), productivity of straw and accordingly productivity of a fibre (r = 0.71), and duration of the growing season (r = 0.54). The sums of effective temperatures have render negative influence on the content of fibre and its quality (flexibility and durability) (r = -0.15; -0.60; -0.36 accordingly). Optimum conditions of development of economically valuable parameters of long-fibred flax on the sum of effective temperatures and a GTK have developed in 2009 - the sum of effective temperatures for the growing season has made 1205 ºС, GTK - 1,49. Samples of domestic breeding were selected by yield of seed, straw, and fibre– Jubilejnyj-87, G-4254, АР4, АР5, АР6 (Research institute of flax);– Pskovskij 93, Antej (Pskov Agricultural Research Institute); TOST 4 (Siberian research institute of agriculture and peat); Dashkovsky 2, Stroitel', Soglasie, Start (Belarus); Rushnichok (Ukraine).


Keywords: variety, productivity, contents of fibre, durability, flexibility, sum of effective temperatures, hydrothermal coefficient


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