Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Barley variety 'Forvard' of regenerant origin

Pages: 4-8.

Shupletsova O.N., PhD in biology, senior researcher,
Shchennikova I.N., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


The results of breeding work on the creation of high-yielding spring barley varieties that are resistant to increased content of aluminium ions in acidic sod-podzolic soils with use of regenerant lines RA 917-01, RA 780-04, RA 781-04 from original genotype 999-93 were presented. Seed progeny of regenerated plants in generations R3 – R7 were evaluated in laboratory and field experiments. In a roll culture it was showed an excess of root length index by 9.3 – 29% for the genotypes of regenerant origin compared with the standard and the initial variety. In field tests the advantage of all regenerant lines on the level of productivity and yield in drought conditions of 2010. The productive indicators of RA 780-04 and RA 917-01 were higher than in favourable 2009. Based on regenerant line RA 917-01 a new variety of spring barley Forward was created. The variety has high productivity, resistance to complex of abiotic and biotic stressors.Variety Forward is recommended for use in acidic sod-podzolic soils of the Volga-Vyatka region. In competitive varietal tests the yield of varieties was made up 6.17 t/ha that is on average 0.61 t/ha higher than the previous standard. During two years of state tests (since 2014) on the stations of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic Forward exceeded standard variety Dina by 0.16 t/ha at yield of 2.74 t/ha. Cultivation of the variety 'Forvard' allows to reduce cost price by 7.2-11% and to obtain net income 21.4 up to 33.7 thousand rubles/ha (in prices of 2015) in dependence of growing conditions.

Keywords: spring barley, soil acidity, aluminum, regenerant lines, drought resistance, variety, productivity, yield capacity


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