Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Features of formation and realization of the economic interests in agriculture

Pages: 78-83.

Vorob'ev S.Р.1, PhD in economics, associate professor,
Gritsenko G.М.2, DSc in economics, professor, head of laboratory,
Vorob'eva V.V.1, PhD in economics, associate professor

1Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, 2Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-Biotechnologies of The Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia


The economic interests of business entities in agriculture are constantly being transformed, becoming more complicated when external and internal factors and conditions change. It predetermines the urgency of their additional identification and classification. The duality of interests of various business agricultural entities is noted depending on their role in this or that social group. The duality of interests is determined not only by property relations, but also by the level of corporate social responsibility of agricultural organizations, the expectations of the local community, the place of permanent residence of direct participants of agricultural production. The system of classification of features of economic interests is supplemented by the signs allowing taking into account the sphere of employment and sources of the main income of stakeholders, their place of residence, expectations from participation in agricultural production. Economic interests are grouped for the main groups of interest: employees of the organization, management personnel of the organization, owners of land/capital, the state in the person of government bodies, society – their inconsistency is found out. Macroeconomic results of the violation of the parity of interests of the main stakeholders in agriculture are the hidden employment of some rural residents, the removal of a part of the gross added value from the legal turnover. The resolution of contradictions depends on the policy of intraeconomic relations carried out by the heads of agricultural enterprises (owners). In general, managers of agricultural enterprises are not only intermediaries in the organizational process of relations of economic interests carriers, but also by their active participants. The main conditions for more fully satisfying the personal, collective and public interests of the main stakeholders are identified in the article: attracting and retaining highly skilled workers, matching the growth of productivity and wages, improving the quality of products, reducing the disparity of prices among partners in the agribusiness system, improving relationships with financial institutions, improvement of the state’s social policy within the framework of sustainable development of rural areas.

Keywords: economic interest, conflict of interests, property, transformation, agriculture, economic relations


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