Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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 UDC code
 Title (in Russian, in English)
 Data on authors (in Russian, in English)

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The references (in Russian, in English).


UDK 633.14:001.5

Priority directions of researches in decision of a problem of multipurpose use of winter rye

Sysuev V.A., the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director,
Kedrova L.I., doctor of agricultural sciences,
Utkina E.I., candidate of biological sciences, head of laboratory
North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia  

A winter rye is the crop most adapted to difficult natural-environmental conditions of Russia. Thus its sowing areas were reduced more than twice for last decade. The special alarm is caused by reduction of the areas under this crop in the Kirov, Nizhniy Novgorod regions, the Perm territory, the Udmurt Republic where low-fertile acid soils prevail. The comparative estimation of expenses (on an example of the Kirov region) has shown that material inputs on manufacture of 1 centner of rye grain is 27 roubles lower than of the spring cereals. Winter rye is a crop of universal use. It has a high potential in strengthening of a forage reserve of the country. Grain of a rye after processing can be used in feeding of animals to 70 % and of poultry to 30 %. The areas extend of sowings of a rye for green forage and in a mix with vetch. Rye grain is excellent raw materials for the starch manufacture which annual import makes more than 140 thousand tons. Possibility of processing of a waste of thrashing of grain mass of a rye in liquid and gaseous fuel is studied. Rye grain has the richest spectrum of the mineral substances necessary for the person. It is rich with selenium, chrome, iodine, iron, group vitamins B and Е, polynonsaturated fat acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 which reduce the raised level of cholesterol and normalize heart work. Rye grain is one of the basic sources of cellulose. The balanced diet with constant inclusion of rye bread promotes preservation of health and prolongation of active longevity.

Key words: winter rye, processing, fodder and technical use, grain quality, food appointment, health, balanced diet, vitamins



1. Goncharenko A.A. Sostoyanie proizvodstva i selekcii ozimoj rzhi v Rossijskoj Federacii. [State of production and breeding of winter rye in Russian Federation]. Ozimaya rozh': selekciya, semenovodstvo, tehnologii i pererabotka. Materialy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (28-29 iyunya 2012 goda g. Ekaterinburg). [Winter rye: breeding, seed rising, technology and processing. Materials of AllRussian scientific and practical conference (28-29 of June, 2012, Yekaterinburg].  2012. pp. 5-11.

2. Ponomarev S.N. Osnovy adaptivnoj selekcii ozimoj rzhi na produktivnost' i kachestvo v Srednem Povolzh'e: dis. … d-ra s.-h. nauk. [Basics of adaptive breeding of winter rye for productivity and quality at Middle Povolzhie: doctoral thesis]. 2014. 418 p.

3. Sysuev V.A., Kedrova L.I., Utkina E.I. Rozh' – strategicheskaya zernovaya kul'tura v razvitii adaptivnogo rastenievodstva i obespechenii prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti Rossii [Rye – strategic cereal in development of adaptive plant industry and supply of Russia's food safety]. Obrazovanie, nauka i proizvodstvo. Izdatel'stvo Orel GAU. [Education, science and industry. Orel State agrarian university Publishing office]. 2014. no. 2, 3. pp. 31-33.

4. Sysuev V.A., Rusakov R.V., Savinyx P.A., Garifullina N.A., Vylegzhanin A.V., Vidyakina E.V. Sposoby podgotovki zerna ozimoj rzhi v kormlenii krupnogo rogatogo skota i pticy. Kirov: NIISH Severo-Vostoka [Ways of winter rye grain preparation in feeding of cattle and  poultry. Kirov: North-East Agricultural Research Institute], 2012. 31 p.

5. Sysuev V.A. Kompleksnye nauchnye issledovaniya po ozimoj rzhi - vazhnejshej nacional'noj i strategicheskoj zernovoj kul'ture RF. [Complex scientific researches on winter rye – most important national and strategic cereal in Russian Federation]. Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK. [Achievements of Science and Technology of AIC]. 2012. no.6. рp. 8-11.

6. Andreev N.R., Lukin N.D., Lapidus T.V., Borodina Z. M., Lapteva N.K., Kedrova L.I. Razrabotka kompleksnoj tehnologii pererabotki rzhi na krahmal i saharistye produkty. [Development of complex technology of rye processing for starch and sugar products]. Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK. [Achievements of Science and Technology of AIC] 2012. no. 6. pр. 79-81.

7. Sysuev V.A., Kedrova L.I., Lapteva N.K., Utkina E.I., Vayanyanen M., Nikulina T.N. V zerne rzhi – osnova zdorov'ya cheloveka. [Rye grain as basis of human health]. Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK. [Achievements of Science and Technology of AIC] 2012. no. 6. pp. 3-5.